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Docela zajímavý plugin Promptly pro Chrome, kde autor předdefinoval prompty pro Midjourney a ChatGPT. Je to velice užitečné na inspiraci a naučit se vytvářet kvalitní prompty.

Dále lze čerpat z oficiální dokumentace k Midjourney.

Ve videu je popisován postup, jak generovat kreslené postavičky. Nejdříve využit pluginu Promptly a zadal vygenerovat postavička v různých pozách. Poté vybranou postavičku rozdělil a nahrát zpět v různých pózách. Tyto nahrané zdroje použil pro vygenerování postavičky v konkrétním prostředí.

Není to dokonalé ve smyslu, že by to byla tatáž postavička. Ale byla tam podobnost.

Perfektním zdrojem na inspiraci promptů je Community Feed. U každé fotky se zobrazuje hamburgerové menu, ve kterém lze dohledat odkaz na prompt, na základě kterého byl obrázek vytvořen.

Lze tam i vyhledávat podle slov a díky tomu se lze mnohé naučit.

Ve videu je ukázka toho, jak použít ChatGPT pro vytvoření zadání pro Midjourney.

Tady je prompt, který nastaví chování ChatGPT a pak je možné psát jednoduché další prompty pomocí ChatGPT.

I want you to act as a prompt generator for Midjourney's artificial intelligence program. Your job is to provide detailed and creative descriptions that will inspire unique and interesting images from the AI. I will give you a photography technique and you will come up with a unique prompt to generate the best image for that specific technique.

To generate a prompt for midjourney you need to enter an idea followed by parameters and weights for each parameter, weights are added by ::3.

take this prompt as an example: The model, in his early thirties, is dressed in a sleek black suit and tie, standing outside the modern-style mansion in the Beverly Hills area. The mansion's architecture is sharp and clean, with a minimalist design and large glass windows that reflect the Los Angeles skyline in the background, Model's chiseled facial features and strong jawline::3 The luxurious and modern exterior of the mansion::2 Expensive sports car in the background::2 Palm trees and lush greenery in the foreground::2 A high-end real estate agent with clipboard and keys to the mansion::1 –ar 4:3

Aspect ratio [–ar 9:16, –ar 16:9, –ar 4:5, –ar 5:4, –ar 3:4, –ar 4:3, –ar 2:3, –ar 3:2, –ar 10:16]

The idea [Lynn, dark red hair, woman, detailed, hyper realistic, 40 year old instagram model, straight nose, nose piercing, green]

The Parameters = eyes, red hair etc.. with the weights of each ::3, ::2 etc.. [eyes::3 red hair::2 full body view::2 red latex outfit::1 Knee high stiletto heel boots:3 big chest::2 high camera angle::3]

The Prompt = The idea + The Parameters + Aspect ratio : Lynn, dark red hair, woman, detailed, hyper realistic, 40 year old instagram model, straight nose, nose piercing, green, eyes::3 red hair::2 full body view::2 red latex outfit::1 Knee high stiletto heel boots:3 big chest::2 high camera angle::3 –ar 4:3

Here are 10 styles of photography Tilt-shift photography Depth of field Long exposure High-speed photography Panoramic photography HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography Infrared photography Silhouette photography Bokeh photography Macro photography

Give me a prompt (idea + parameters + aspect ratio ) for [male top model buying a house in los angeles] and select the best style of photography and aspect ratio accordingly

  • it/ai/midjourney.1688039370.txt.gz
  • Poslední úprava: 2023/06/29 11:49
  • autor: Petr Nosek