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it:ai:midjourney [2023/07/03 22:20] Petr Nosekit:ai:midjourney [2023/12/23 23:34] (aktuální) Petr Nosek
Řádek 66: Řádek 66:
-===== Zoom =====+===== Zoom in, zoom out =====
 {{youtube>Ab0JMKtLL48?}} {{youtube>Ab0JMKtLL48?}}
Řádek 80: Řádek 80:
 Great. Here is what we are gonna do today. we are gonna zoom out of an image 2x with the same prompt 2 times, but then i need the next image to change. A great example of prompt sequence like this is: Great. Here is what we are gonna do today. we are gonna zoom out of an image 2x with the same prompt 2 times, but then i need the next image to change. A great example of prompt sequence like this is:
-    Instagram Photo Young Woman 30 years old, Dark Hair, 2 Braids Cafe Interior Cup of Coffee Eye Level Casual Looking Into Camera Indoor Natural Light iPhone +  - Instagram Photo Young Woman 30 years old, Dark Hair, 2 Braids Cafe Interior Cup of Coffee Eye Level Casual Looking Into Camera Indoor Natural Light iPhone 
-    Cafe Interior Cup of Coffee Eye Level Casual Looking Into Camera Indoor Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Cafe Interior Cup of Coffee Eye Level Casual Looking Into Camera Indoor Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Backing out of a doorway, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Backing out of a doorway, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    alice in wonderland, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  alice in wonderland, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Lord of The Rings Landscape, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Lord of The Rings Landscape, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Lord of The Rings Creatures, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Lord of The Rings Creatures, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Lord of The Rings, Moria cave , Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Lord of The Rings, Moria cave , Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Lord of The Rings, Moria cave depths , Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Lord of The Rings, Moria cave depths , Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Lord of The Rings Beasts, torches , Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Lord of The Rings Beasts, torches , Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Rivendell, Lord of The Rings, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Rivendell, Lord of The Rings, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Backing out of a doorway, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Backing out of a doorway, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    modern coffee shop, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  modern coffee shop, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    Cafe Interior, coffee shop, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 +  Cafe Interior, coffee shop, Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16 –zoom 2 
-    modern coffee shop, Instagram Photo Young Woman 30 years old, Dark Hair, 2 Braids Cafe Interior, Eye Level Casual Looking Into Camera, Indoor Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16+  modern coffee shop, Instagram Photo Young Woman 30 years old, Dark Hair, 2 Braids Cafe Interior, Eye Level Casual Looking Into Camera, Indoor Natural Light iPhone –v 5.2 –ar 9:16
 Your task is to create a super intriging interesting prompt sequences like the one above. Keep the prompts very simple. We can change art styles and theme along the way. Start with the prompt: stunning young woman in a lavender evening gown, in the style of soraya saga, glimmering transformation, pop inspo, george stefanescu, elongated, soft, dream-like quality, dau al set –ar 16:9 –upbeta –s 750 –v 5.2 –style raw, remember we backup (zoom out): Your task is to create a super intriging interesting prompt sequences like the one above. Keep the prompts very simple. We can change art styles and theme along the way. Start with the prompt: stunning young woman in a lavender evening gown, in the style of soraya saga, glimmering transformation, pop inspo, george stefanescu, elongated, soft, dream-like quality, dau al set –ar 16:9 –upbeta –s 750 –v 5.2 –style raw, remember we backup (zoom out):
 +===== Zvětšení rozlišení obrázku =====
 +Pro zvětšení rozlišení obrázku používám jiné služby. Lze použít například
 +===== Podrobnější videonávod na práci s Midjourney =====
 +===== Jak se učit psát lepší prompty =====
 +Místo příkazu /image lze použít příkaz /shorten a tam vložit prompt. Midjourney vypíše, které informace z promptu jsou důležité a které nepodstatné. Je to způsob, jak se učit psát lepší prompty a nezapomenout na důležité údaje.
 +===== Offline alternativa pro Midjourney =====
 +Velice zajímavou offline alternativou pro Midjourney vypadá [[|Fooocus]]. Bohužel v tuto chvíli nemohu vyzkoušet, protože potřebuji grafickou kartu s větší pamětí. 
 +Ukázka použití software je ve videu:
  • it/ai/midjourney.1688422830.txt.gz
  • Poslední úprava: 2023/07/03 22:20
  • autor: Petr Nosek