====== Ultimate Raspberry Pi: LAN Print, Scan and PDF Server ======
Článek jsem měl historicky uložený a pochází ze zdroje, který už neexistuje. Jeho přesná název zněl: **Ultimate Raspberry Pi : LAN Print , Scan and PDF Server : CUPS + AirPrint + IPP + cups-pdf + sanescan ( SaneTwain ) + phpSANE / PHP-Scanner-Server ( scanner webinterface ) + samba ( remote file access )**.
Datum článku byl 2.4.2014. Samozřejmě už některé věci nebudou aktuální a je potřeba se přizpůsobit. Dávám zde alespoň přepis článku.
===== Assumptions =====
* Completed Ultimate Raspberry Pi : Preparation and with optional server preparation.
* Raspberry Pi IP address: ****
===== Install Dependencies =====
apt-get update && apt-get install -f avahi-daemon cups cups-pdf python-cups avahi-discover libnss-mdns sane-utils xinetd printer-driver-gutenprint system-config-printer-udev
**Optional: Install one of the relevant printer drivers**
apt-get install printer-driver-c2050 #printer driver for Lexmark 2050 Color Jetprinter
apt-get install printer-driver-c2esp #printer driver for Kodak ESP AiO color inkjet Series
apt-get install printer-driver-cjet #printer driver for Canon LBP laser printers
apt-get install printer-driver-escpr #printer driver for Epson Inkjet that use ESC P-R
apt-get install printer-driver-foo2zjs #printer driver for ZjStream-based printers
apt-get install printer-driver-gutenprint #printer drivers for CUPS
apt-get install printer-driver-hpcups #HP Linux Printing and Imaging - CUPS Raster driver (hpcups)
apt-get install printer-driver-hpijs #HP Linux Printing and Imaging - gs IJS driver (hpijs)
apt-get install printer-driver-m2300w #printer driver for Minolta magicolor 2300W 2400W color laser printers
apt-get install printer-driver-min12xxw #printer driver for KonicaMinolta PagePro 1[234]xxW
apt-get install printer-driver-pnm2ppa #printer driver for HP-GDI printers
apt-get install printer-driver-postscript-hp #HP Printers PostScript Descriptions
apt-get install printer-driver-ptouch #printer driver Brother P-touch label printers
apt-get install printer-driver-pxljr #printer driver for HP Color LaserJet 35xx 36xx
apt-get install printer-driver-sag-gdi #printer driver for Ricoh Aficio SP 1000s SP 1100s
apt-get install printer-driver-splix #Driver for Samsung and Xerox SPL2 and SPLc laser printers
===== Configure cups to listen on the LAN =====
sed -i "s|Listen localhost:631|Listen *:631|" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
===== Allow LAN access to CUPS =====
sed -i "s||\nAllow from all\n|g" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
===== Add the server name and browse address =====
Replace **** with your LAN broadcast address.
echo -e "\nServerName raspberrypi" >> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
sed -i -e "s|BrowseAddress|BrowseAddress\n#BrowseAddress|" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
===== Restart CUPS =====
service cups restart
===== Add the pi user to the lpadmin group =====
adduser pi lpadmin
===== Enable print sharing and remote administration =====
cupsctl --share-printers --remote-admin --remote-printers
sed -i "s|Shared No|Shared Yes|g" /etc/cups/printers.conf
lpoptions -d PDF -o printer-is-shared=true
===== Custom cups-pdf output directory =====
**PDF storage directory: /storage/pdf**
mkdir -p /storage/pdf
chown root:lpadmin /storage/pdf
chmod 777 /storage/pdf
===== Append the date to the PDF file name =====
mkdir -p /opt/extremeshok
cat > /opt/extremeshok/cups-pdf-postprocess <
===== Enable cups-pdf post processing =====
chmod 777 /opt/extremeshok/cups-pdf-postprocess
chown root:lpadmin /opt/extremeshok/cups-pdf-postprocess
sed -i "s|#PostProcessing|PostProcessing /opt/extremeshok/cups-pdf-postprocess|" /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf
sed -i "s|#PDFVer 1.4|PDFVer 1.5|" /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf
===== Enable automatic retrying of failed print jobs =====
sed -i -e "s|BrowseAddress|ErrorPolicy retry-job\nJobRetryInterval 30\nBrowseAddress|" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
===== Restart CUPS =====
service cups restart
===== Configure your printer =====
Visit the web interface: ****
* Log in using:
* **Admin username:** pi
* **Admin password:** raspberry
* Navigate to **Administration -> Find New Printers**
* Add your printer and enable **Share This Printer**
* Select your make and model or specify a PPD file.
* Restart services:
service cups restart
service avahi-daemon restart
===== Optional: Enable AirPrint =====
**(Not needed on iOS 7 and above)**
Enhanced iOS support:
echo "image/urf urf (0,UNIRAST)" > /usr/share/cups/mime/apple.types
mkdir /opt/AirPrint
cd /opt/AirPrint
wget -O airprint-generate.py --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/vidaren/airprint-generate/master/airprint-generate.py
chmod +x airprint-generate.py
./airprint-generate.py -d /etc/avahi/services --cups
===== Using your PDF postscript printer via IPP =====
**Driver: Microsoft Windows**
* **Manufacturer:** Generic
* **Printer:** MS Publisher Imagesetter
Via IPP:
Use the following as the printer's location:
===== Using your printer via IPP =====
**Driver: Microsoft Vista and 7/8**
* **Manufacturer:** HP
* **Printer:** HP Color Laserjet 8550 PS or HP Color Laserjet 4550 PS
**Driver: Microsoft 2000 and XP**
* **Manufacturer:** HP
* **Printer:** HP Color Laserjet PS
Via IPP:
Use the following as the printer's location:
===== Optional: Enable Scanning =====
**Enable scanning support and share a scanner on your network**
apt-get install -f sane-utils xinetd
Enable the saned service:
echo -e "\n192.168.1.0/24" >> /etc/sane.d/saned.conf
sed -i "s|RUN=no|RUN=yes|g" /etc/default/saned
Enable the xinetd sane service:
cat > /etc/xinetd.d/saned <
**BUG FIX:** Scanner not working: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usblp while `scanimage` sets config #1:
echo -e "\nblacklist usblp" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
sync && shutdown -r now
Verify the scanner is supported and listening:
scanimage -L
Example output:
device `xerox_mfp:libusb:001:004' is a Samsung Samsung SCX-4623 Series multi-function peripheral
Verify the service:
cat /etc/services | grep sane
Example output:
sane-port 6566/tcp sane saned # SANE network scanner daemon
===== Optional: phpSANE (Web-Based Frontend for SANE) =====
**Note:** Simple and low requirements.
Install Requirements:
apt-get install -y libapache2-mod-php5 unzip netpbm gocr imagemagick
Install phpSANE:
mkdir -p /tmp/phpSANE
cd /tmp/phpSANE
wget -O phpSANE-0.8.0.zip "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/phpsane/phpsane/0.8.0/phpSANE-0.8.0.zip?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fphpsane%2F&use_mirror=tenet"
unzip -q phpSANE-0.8.0.zip
mv /tmp/phpSANE/* /var/www/
sed -i "s|\" --jpeg-quality 0\"|\"\"|g" /var/www/incl/config.php
sed -i "s|/opt/bin/gocr|/usr/bin/gocr|g" /var/www/incl/config.php
sed -i "s|/usr/local/bin/pdfunite|/usr/bin/pdfunite|g" /var/www/incl/config.php
sed -i "s|Timeout 300|Timeout 900|g" /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sed -i "s|max_execution_time = 30|max_execution_time = 900|g" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
sed -i "s|max_input_time = 60|max_input_time = 900|g" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
Set Permissions:
chmod +s /usr/bin/scanimage
mkdir -p /var/www/tmp && chmod 775 /var/www/tmp
mkdir -p /var/www/output && chmod 775 /var/www/output
mkdir -p /var/www/scanners && chmod 775 /var/www/scanners
===== Optional: PHP-Scanner-Server (Advanced Web-Based Frontend for SANE) =====
**Note:** Requires 1GB+ drive space and a 512MB Raspberry Pi.
Install Requirements:
apt-get install -y imagemagick sane-utils usbutils libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl tesseract-ocr tar zip php-fpdf libpaper-utils grep sed coreutils
Add `www-data` to the `lp` group:
adduser www-data lp
Install PHP-Scanner-Server:
mkdir -p /tmp/PHP-Scanner-Server
cd /tmp/PHP-Scanner-Server
wget -O PHP-Scanner-Server.zip "https://github.com/GM-Script-Writer-62850/PHP-Scanner-Server/archive/master.zip"
unzip -q PHP-Scanner-Server.zip
mkdir -p /var/www/scanner/
mv -f /tmp/PHP-Scanner-Server/PHP-Scanner-Server-master/* /var/www/scanner/
sed -i "s|Timeout 300|Timeout 900|g" /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sed -i "s|max_execution_time = 30|max_execution_time = 900|g" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
sed -i "s|max_input_time = 60|max_input_time = 900|g" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
Create Directories and Set Permissions:
mkdir -p /var/www/scanner/scans
chmod 775 /var/www/scanner/scans
chown www-data /var/www/scanner/scans
mkdir -p /var/www/scanner/config
chmod 775 /var/www/scanner/config
chown www-data /var/www/scanner/config
Configure PHP-Scanner-Server:
sed -i "s|Timeout 300|Timeout 900|g" /var/www/scanner/config.ini
sed -i "s|FreeSpaceWarn = 2048|FreeSpaceWarn = 1024|g" /var/www/scanner/config.ini
sed -i "s|Fortune = true|Fortune = false|g" /var/www/scanner/config.ini
sed -i "s|RulerIncrement = 25.4|RulerIncrement = 10|g" /var/www/scanner/config.ini
sed -i "s|TimeZone = ''|TimeZone = 'UTC'|g" /var/www/scanner/config.ini
sed -i "s|Printer = 0|Printer = 1|g" /var/www/scanner/config.ini
Access the web interface for configuration:
===== Using Your Scanner =====
**Windows Users:** Use TWAIN drivers to create a bridge between TWAIN and SANE on the network.
Download the Windows installer:
Configure the connection:
* **Hostname:**
* **Port:** 6566
* **Username:** PCUSER
* **Options:** Tick "Get list of devices on startup"
===== Optional: Enable Samba =====
**We will create a PDF share and a scanner share.**
Install Samba:
apt-get install -y samba samba-common-bin
Configure `smb.conf`:
cat > /etc/samba/smb.conf <
Restart Samba:
service samba restart
===== Optional: rpisysinfoscript (Web-Based System Information Frontend) =====
Visit the web interface:
Install Requirements:
apt-get install -y libapache2-mod-php5 lsb-release lsscsi git -y
Install rpisysinfoscript:
cd /tmp
wget -O rpisysinfoscript.php "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jvhaarst/4388108/raw/4ae8702effeafb89e583722f5a963ba6c1a4d06a/gistfile1.php"
mv /tmp/rpisysinfoscript.php /var/www/sysinfo.php
===== CUPS Command Line Utilities =====
Here is a list of CUPS command line utilities and their functions:
* **accept**
Instructs the printing system to accept print jobs to the specified destinations.
* **cancel**
Cancels existing print jobs from the print queues.
* **cupsaddsmb**
Exports printers to the Samba software for use with Windows clients.
* **cups-config**
A CUPS program configuration utility.
* **cupsctl**
Updates or queries the `cupsd.conf` file for a server.
* **cupsd**
The scheduler for the Common Unix Printing System.
* **cupsfilter**
A front-end to the CUPS filter subsystem, allowing you to convert a file to a specific format.
* **cupstestdsc**
Tests the conformance of PostScript files.
* **cupstestppd**
Tests the conformance of PPD files.
* **ippfind**
Finds Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) printers.
* **ipptool**
Sends IPP requests to the specified URI and tests and/or displays the results.
* **lp**
Submits files for printing or alters a pending job.
* **lpadmin**
Configures printer and class queues provided by CUPS.
* **lpc**
Provides limited control over printer and class queues provided by CUPS.
* **lpinfo**
Lists the available devices or drivers known to the CUPS server.
* **lpmove**
Moves the specified job to a new destination.
* **lpoptions**
Displays or sets printer options and defaults.
* **lppasswd**
Adds, changes, or deletes passwords in the CUPS digest password file `passwd.md5`.
* **lpq**
Shows the current print queue status on the named printer.
* **lpr**
Submits files for printing.
* **lprm**
Cancels print jobs that have been queued for printing.
* **lpstat**
Displays status information about the current classes, jobs, and printers.
* **ppdc**
Compiles PPDC source files into one or more PPD files.
* **ppdhtml**
Reads a driver information file and produces an HTML summary page listing all the drivers in a file and their supported options.
* **ppdi**
Imports one or more PPD files into a PPD compiler source file.
* **ppdmerge**
Merges two or more PPD files into a single, multi-language PPD file.
* **ppdpo**
Extracts UI strings from PPDC source files and updates either a GNU gettext or Mac OS X strings format message catalog source file for translation.
* **reject**
Instructs the printing system to reject print jobs to the specified destinations.
* **libcups.so**
Contains the CUPS API functions.